Hello from


We share, learn, and adapt.

We believe insights and design should be used to grow compassion. So the actions we take and the systems we create can become more compassionate too.

Our Team


Founded in 2016, we have intentionally stayed small and focused. We support our creative growth with an always growing community of diverse contributors.


Founder & Service Designer

Molly Ackerman-Brimberg

Molly’s expertise incorporates design research, innovation strategy and service design. Throughout her career, she’s worked across multiple disciplines and industries on an international scale. Molly founded SuperDeep Studio to bring more inclusion to all aspects of Service Design. 

In managing the studio practice, she embraces a values-driven studio philosophy to guide how we operate, with whom we work, and how we consider impact and outcomes. That philosophy creates an environment that is nimble, people-centric, and conducive to innovation. 

With a healthy space for collaboration that is respectful of individual expertises, needs, and values, we can safely work together to examine complex challenges, broken systems, and barriers to change. We can create impactful, equitable solutions.

Molly earned her B.S. in Engineering from Stanford University, and an MFA in Design from California College of the Arts.


Insights Director

Jessica Wallace

Trained as an architect, Jessica embraces the balance of establishing and challenging structures. They develop and lead practices that reshape power dynamics and hierarchies to build mutually beneficial relationships. Of intended design impacts and outcomes, Jessica continually asks, “Who is harmed? Who benefits?”

Jessica believes that for design to be truly empathetic, relationships must create the foundation from which we build knowledge and gather insight. Only by listening deeply and learning to speak each other’s languages can we redesign harmful systems and begin to address reciprocity through design.

Jessica earned a B.S. in Architecture from Georgia Institute of Technology, while also studying at École Nationale Supérieure d'Architecture in Paris and a Master of Architecture in Urban Design from University of Oregon.


Senior Service Designer

Joey Wang

Joey is a learner and tinkerer who loves experimenting with design methods and theories to bring about change. She believes that by visualizing complexity, rethinking interconnections between people, and designing for transitions, service design can help shift structures and systems toward regenerative and just futures.

Joey earned a BFA in Product Design from Art Center College of Design and a Master’s Degree in Service Design from the Royal College of Art. She also studied Social Design at the Design Academy Eindhoven.


Business Design Principal

Erin Cook

Erin has developed expertise in consumer insight, strategic planning, and product and brand marketing across a range of industries, including financial services, footwear, and consumer product brands. Her business acumen integrates alongside the team’s design expertise to give SuperDeep’s practice essential depth and dimension.

Her fluency in organizational structure and culture — and how it aligns with external audiences — is integral to the successful activation of SuperDeep’s service design programs. Erin helps our clients practice organizational empathy:  a reciprocal and collaborative approach to achieve social good while advancing business goals.

Erin earned a B.A. in Economics and Business from Colorado College and an MBA in Marketing, Sustainable Business from UNC Kenan-Flager Business School.

  • "Going deep moves you and the organizations you're a part of. It roots our goals to our purpose."

    Molly, Founder

  • "Changing how we see our partners, changes how we see ourselves. We're using our skills as Service Designers to craft supportive journeys into the unknowns of emergent processes."

    Joey, Sr. Service Designer

  • "Ethical listening and representation in design can't happen without considering power dynamics across race/gender/culture, and without asking whose voices are currently centered, whose are missing, and who has a right to hear those experiences first hand and unfiltered."

    Jess, Insights Director

Our Clients


We commit ourselves to creating enduring relationships and work that works for your organization. We dedicate effort to non-profit and mission-driven partners.